Visit from Feed the Minds​
At DSI, we are continually aiming to build a network of partners on a local and international level, with the goal of scaling up our work in Nyakahama and beyond. We enjoyed receiving a visit from Feed the Minds, a UK-based organisation, in August 2023. The visitors were able to talk with DSI volunteers and members of the local community. Click here to find out more.

Women's Economic Empowerment​
Women-led microfinance groups in the Kagera region have great potential to empower rural women and aid in community economic development. DSI helps build these groups' technical knowledge in order to achieve the most benefit possible. Current work in this area includes classes on financial record keeping and loan management. Click here to learn more.

Good Agricultural Practices​​
Tanzania as a whole is seeing many negative effects of climate change, particularly in its agricultural sectors.
DSI is conducting classes for farmers in Nyakahama village to help develop good agricultural practices. Focus areas include how to cope with drought, combating crop diseases, and learning sustainable agricultural business practices. Click here to learn more.

Improving Nutrition in Nyakahama​
Many rural Tanzanians, including those in Nyakahama village, lack access to and knowledge of proper nutrition. DSI is working with the Nyakahama community to provide education on nutrition-rich foods, such as vegetables, and how to grow them properly. This knowledge will serve communities for years to come.